Dying Isn’t Fun

Benjamin Franklin cautioned us that neither death nor taxes were avoidable. What we can control is how we approach death, for ourselves and with our loved ones. Evan Krame the lawyer of 40 years and Evan Krame the rabbi of seven years, both contributed to this series of posts to help you think about preparing […]

The Death of Airlines Points

Credit card and frequent flyer miles can add up to free trips around the globe. These valuable points can also disappear upon death. To whom should loyalty currency belong when the owner passes away? Loyalty points or miles are NOT your property. Look at the fine print. For example, Delta’s mileage program states that “miles […]

Trustees as Homeowners Beware!

Personal trusts often own residential real estate. In the case of persons with disabilities, the trust format allows a trustee the discretion needed to maintain a home. Along with those powers comes great responsibility to ensure that the trust is serving the needs of its beneficiaries in the best way possible. Home ownership creates great […]

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