Entries by actualizedevs

Pooled Special Needs Trusts

Persons with special needs sometimes are better served by pooling their assets into a pooled special needs trust than by having separate trusts. This pooled approach can make many financial and quality-of-life benefits possible for at-risk persons and their families. Unfortunately, many attorneys familiar with guardianships and special needs trusts are not familiar with this […]

Asset Planning for Parents Whose Children Have Challenges

All parents have a never-ending list of concerns for their children. When a child has a physical or mental challenge, the concerns are multiplied. My role, as an estate-planning attorney, is to help my clients figure out how to continue to protect their child should they themselves become incapacitated or pass away. I can offer […]

Achieving a Better Life Experience: The Pros & Cons of the Able Act

Rarely do we experience bold steps by our government to address the needs of persons with disabilities. Toward that goal, Congress passed the Achieving a Better Life Experience Act of 2014 to provide IRA style savings accounts for persons with disabilities. President Obama’s signature completes the process. What is great about this Act is the […]

Parents with Troubled Adult Children

Many of our clients are motivated to visit us for planning as their children with disabilities become adults and the parents face their mortality. This has been the topic of some recent articles such as this one in the New York Times. Click here to read more: https://nyti.ms/1VNowAn

Care Costs Continue to Escalate

A crisis in care for the aging population is unfolding. According to the Genworth annual survey of care costs, private room nursing home care in Maryland hovers around $120,000 per year with an annual growth rate of about 5%. Assisted living facility costs exceed $60,000 per year and in home care hovers around $50,000 per […]

Special Needs Trusts And Home Ownership: A Trustee’s Concerns

One of the most challenging responsibilities of a trustee of a special needs trust is balancing the benefits of purchasing a handicap-modified house for a beneficiary with the financial pressures of a steadily decreasing trust balance and steadily increasing household expenses. I am the trustee of a special needs trust established for an adult woman […]

Maryland Medicaid Annuity

Sam and Mollie are in a crisis. Their cash is running low. Sam broke his hip and after repeated surgeries and setbacks, he can no longer live independently. The discharge nurse at the hospital meets with the family to explain the choices. Sam’s needs are not the only ones to consider. Mollie needs funds to […]

Best Law Firms: 2011-2012

We are pleased to announce that Evan J. Krame received recognition in the 2011 – 2012 U.S.News – Best Lawyers® “Best Law Firms” rankings. Download the press release here: BLF-press-release-2011-2012

Proposed Revisions to the D.C. Code

The District of Columbia does not have a law governing the creation and administration of Special Needs Trusts. Evan Krame and others have served on an ad hoc committee to draft such legislation as well as to revise the guardianship laws for D.C. Click here to read more.

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