trust question

“Whom do you trust?” is the most challenging question for people planning their estates. This question arises because we each need to rely upon others for support in times of crisis or illness. We wonder who we trust to be honest, fair, reliable, and diligent. Designating an agent involves careful consideration of when, how, and […]

Legal Counsel You Can Trust

Congress just changed the law governing IRA distributions. The result is not good for your children. The law change affects when a person passes away how their IRA transfers to a named beneficiary of a younger generation. Under the old law, the beneficiary could stretch the payments from the IRA over their lifetime. The non-spousal […]

The role of the trustee is laden with distinct and demanding duties. Even more, exacting and demanding than the typical role of the trustee is serving as the trustee of a special needs trust (“SNT”). Estate planners draft with increasing regularity SNTs for clients who may have a family member with a disability. Insurance agents […]

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