We are dedicated to protecting you, your family and your future.
Opening Hours
Monday – Thursday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
We are open on Fridays by appointment only
Office Closed
Closed on all federal and state holidays and will also be closed in 2024 on the following dates: July 5, October 2 and 3, November 29, and December 23 to January 1.
Located in Rockville, Maryland, our firm is a dynamic and diverse practice which includes estate planning, guardianship, probate and tax planning. Evan J. Krame, Esq. has become one of Maryland’s most respected attorneys practicing in the area of elder law and disability planning.
TEL: 301-468-3360
FAX: 301-468-3532
EMAIL: evan@kramelaw.com
11140 Rockville Pike, Suite 607
Rockville, MD 20852.
© Copyright – Law Offices of Evan J. Krame, Esq.
Plan for the End
Can you clearly state the medical treatment you want at the end of your life? Many execute a living will to express their desires in case of a terminal illness or end-stage condition. We might not know when a disease is terminal or when that condition has reached the end stage. One challenge is to […]
Beach Boy Guardianship
Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys fame was the subject of the film Love & Mercy. Wilson was portrayed by both Paul Dano, as a young Brian, and John Cusack as a more mature Brian. The film addresses Wilson’s lifelong struggle with mental illness. Perhaps it is no surprise that the Court in California received […]
Dangers of Being a Trustee
Have you been named the trustee of a trust? Perhaps a family member or close friend has honored you with the designation. Yet, the savvy trustee should be wary of taking on a fiduciary role. One recent Maryland case shines a spotlight on the dangers of being a trustee. As a fiduciary, you have responsibilities […]